Thursday, 12 April 2007

America spits on the graves of 9/11 victims

Terrorist's world wide are rejoicing today in the wake of America's release of convicted terrorist and boastful plane bomber Luis Posada Carriles.

When not bombing civilian airliners Luis likes to relax by bombing tourist destinations, conducting assassination, and running illegal para-military operations on behalf of the American government.

As late as 1997 Posada was known by U.S. officials to be coordinating bombing attacks of tourists in Cuba from inside the United States, including evidence that Posada had reminded the bombers by Fax that:
“If there is no publicity, the job is useless... The American newspapers will publish nothing that has not been confirmed. ... If there is no publicity, there is no payment."
So, armed with this evidence does the FBI get the chance to charge Posada with terrorism charges? No. In an act of administrative cretinism the charges are instead levied as an immigration misdemeanor.

This is not an isolated incident either. In 1990 then president George H.W. Bush pardoned Orlando Bosch, a convicted terrorist and Posada's plane bombing co-hort, at the request of George Snr's son, Jeb, Governor of Florida.

In my mind then these acts by America are like spitting on the graves and memories of their brothers and sisters who died as a result of 9/11, every soldier who has died fighting terrorism around the world as well as spitting on the victims of every terrorist action worldwide.

America's actions on this issue are sickening if unsurprising.


Anonymous said...

This comment is interesting:

"If there is no publicity, there is no payment."

Is the media an unwitting financier of terrorism?

Wildframe said...

I don't know really.

Unwitting condoner perhaps as at this time only international media is carrying this story whilst US media outlets are avoiding it like the plague.

This goes to the heart of the whole "war on terrorism" issue.

To me this is easily the biggest story and no one is running it.

Wildframe said...

cheeky bastard. I nearly shat myself when I say a comment from David Hicks awaiting moderation :)