Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Debka Iran Rhetoric

Caught-up on a "Special Report" titled Tehran’s Provocations top US Military Build-up to Ratchet up War Tensions over at DEBKA and had to chuckle for two reasons.

Firstly, due to their erroneous claims of inside intelligence which miraculously are unsupported by actual circumstances and secondly, because of the following piece of DEBKA propaganda:
"...Iran is expanding its enrichment program at a pace much faster than U.S. intelligence experts had predicted [and] ... may indeed have a bomb by 2009."
Well I guess someone should rush and tell the IAEA which have been maintaining inspections at all Iranian Nuclear facilities including the new centrifuge plant at Natanz. In fact they are due to make their report public any day now.

For the record again only one centrifuge out of thousands has been found to contain the presence of HEU at around 36% and Iran has given a full explanation to the IAEA. ALL of the other components have had average readings under 5%.

How about letting the IAEA in at Dimona? Thought not :)

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