Monday, 9 April 2007

Joe Klein drops a clanger at Time

Man! When are journalists going to learn to read! Seriously, I'm sick and tired of every Tom Dick and now Joe writing about the Baker Hamilton report without ever having read the bloody thing.

Joe writes in his article An Administration's Epic Collapse:
"...never was Bush's adolescent petulance more obvious than in his decision to ignore the Baker-Hamilton report and move in the exact opposite direction: adding troops..."
Joe, the Baker-Hamilton report reports states:
"...a short-term ...surge of American combat forces to stabilize Baghdad ...if the U.S. commander in Iraq determines that such steps would be effective."
Whilst he may not have made a song and dance about it, The POTUS has actually implemented a raft of the BHR recommendations and you can read what I wrote about this months ago in my post Bush may have been listening after-all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They probably have read it but who likes to eat crow--right?

Staying silent means the media-right and Bush don't have to admit that he's changed his mind and the media-left doesn't have to give bush any credit.